Jeanne Michaud


Contact Me

Let me know what you need translated
and when you'd like it done.


We will agree on a price
and the terms and conditions.

Share File

You entrust your files with me
as I translate them.

Done !

Simple, easy.
Catered to your needs.

Why choose to work with me ?

It's all about the customer

I work with a lot of people who have tried multiple online translation websites, attracted by the promise of quick work delivered to them without having to do anything but upload their files. But more often than not, they end up with a job half done or a result that doesn't match their branding and their values. I mean, sure, you could use Google Translate and get the same broken translation as everyone else. Or you could spend a little money to have your work professionally translated by someone who will take the time to listen to what you want and deliver something that you're proud to share with the rest of the world.

Safety is everything

I can guarantee that all our exchanges will be encrypted if that is something you are interested in. No added cost, of course. A majority of the people I work with are creatives, they care about what they make. A song, a book, a blog post... All these are protected intellectual propriety. So rather than sending it to an unknown translator working through a shady website, they entrust me with their work. I will always be conscious of copyright issues and my contracts, signed by both parties, reflect that.

I'm a pleasure to work with !

Of course you can't take my word on that. Although I always ask for any feedback that my collaborators have to give, and so far, I've only ever had positive remarks. Communication is important when working with others and I am always careful to give my customers updates as often as possible. Not only am I a real person, not a robot who's going to answer only half of your question and then repeat itself eternally, but I also know how to make work enjoyable and I will usually enquire about how your week is going at the start of an email. Whether you answer or not, that's up to you, but I feel it's nicer this way.

If you're still unsure, head to the other pages :


  • Identity
  • Background
  • Degrees & diplomas


  • Preferred fields of work
  • Past contracts
  • Regular collaborators


  • Books or literary works
  • Websites or online posts
  • Media, videos or subtitling

Do not hesitate to ask if you have further questions.

N'hésitez pas à poser vos questions si vous en avez.