About me

My name is Jeanne Michaud. I am a French native currently living in the UK.

Before that, I studied English Linguistics, Literature and Civilisation in a French University :
l’Université Lumière Lyon 2. They have one of the best English department in the country and I am still using many of the tools that the amazing professors there gave me.

Université Lumière Lyon II

Teachers who know their subjects

Françoise Orazi, Frederic Herrmann, Baudoin Millet, Neil Davie, James Walker, Jean-Charles Perquin, Agnès Delahaye, Fiona Simpkins, Axel Nesme, Pascal Battaillard, Alice Bonzom , Jean Kempf...

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Later on, after a few years in English-speaking countries, I decided to get another kind of diploma,
one that only concerned itself with pure translation. I studied by myself, while working two jobs, to get to the point where I was sure of my ability to pass the level 7 Diploma in Translation exam, created by the CIOL. Both of the specialised sections were important to me : I passed the Social Science unit with Merit and got Distinctions for the Literary section.

Chartered Institute Of Linguistics

The gold standard for translators

The DipTrans has been the premier translation qualification for over 
30 years, meeting the need for the highest-level professional translators. 

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